Monday, October 11, 2010

My Favorite Thing

This is going to be a super-short post, but I just had to share one of my most favorite events that just happened on Friday night.

It was a regular night...we got the girls in bed on time(ish) and Cliff left to go to our apartment's gym. I was cleaning out my inbox and checking facebook, because those are two very important things to do, of course. The girls were extra giddy - they were playing and laughing together in bed, which is just the best thing to listen to, so we never really scold them for it (until a "she's making noises at me" or a "she's looking at me" fight breaks out).

All of a sudden, I hear fireworks going off - our apartment's patio has a perfect view of whoever does the fireworks at every major firework-related holiday. I have never heard of fireworks on Columbus day, but I am assuming that is why they were celebrating. Since the girls were still up and playing, I decided to go into their room and open up their blinds so they could watch them, too! I told them to get back into bed once the fireworks were over and TRY to go to sleep immediately. Right as I sat back down at the computer to resume my chat with the awesome Michaela on facebook, Cliff burst through the door of our apartment asking if the girls were still up. I said yes, and that they were watching the fireworks from their bedroom. "Oh, good!" was his reply, and he went in to watch with them. I heard a lot of "ooohing" and "aahhhhing" from all of them and even Jossie saying, "Daddy, look, there are shooting stars out there!"

It was then I realized that it was a little early for Cliff to be back from his workout...and he doesn't cut his workout short EVER. Not even if we just got a new movie from Netflix to watch. When he came back out he said, "When I heard the fireworks start, I ran back here to see if they were still awake."

HOW LUCKY AM I?????????

How many men do this - drop whatever they are doing just to go watch their kids watch fireworks?? NONE, I TELL YOU! My husband is awesome. I absolutely LOVE that he truly enjoys his kids. I love seeing the unconditional love and adoration between them.

My husband, my kids, my LIFE totally rocks.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Room Moms are Cool

Yesterday was the first day of KINDERGARTEN for Aidenne, and today was the first day of PreK for Joscelyn. They were both so excited to go! While Aidenne was in school yesterday, Joss and I went swimming - I tried to make the day fun for her, but she told me all day that she wanted Aidenne! I hope they get to see each other sometimes at school.

Aidenne had a great first day - I went to chapel with her and afterward they had the parents stay in the sanctuary for orientation. As soon as her teacher called for her class, she jumped up and ran out - no hug or kiss for me at all! She did wave once she was in line...I guess that is all I get from my independent sweet pea!

Joscelyn was very proud of herself this morning for being able to go to school, too. She was excited but had a momentary lapse into babydom when Cliff and I were leaving - she said "I want you to stay, Mommy." I gave her one more big hug and then she found the play kitchen, so she was totally fine - no crying from her (or me, surprisingly!) I signed up to be room mom for Joscelyn's class. I can hear all your eyes rolling right now - don't make fun!! I love being able to go to all the class parties and help out at the school, so hopefully my own school schedule won't interfere with that. That's right, Aidenne and Joss, Mommy is ALWAYS WATCHING YOU!

I get to register for my classes next week, so I will finally be able to plan other things around my schedule! I can't wait to see what I will be taking first. I hope it isn't too tragic getting back into the normal "no time for anything" lifestyle...I have been on vacation for too long!

I think I should go eat lunch now. Without the kids here to feed, I almost forgot to eat. I will let you know how eating a full meal in peace and quiet goes...

Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Been A While...

I love that my last post was almost two years ago, and I was talking about how I never update my blog. My BESTIE started a blog recently, so it apparently got me in the mood! (I look forward to the comments of your hatred of the word "bestie.")

So remember that three-year-old I spoke of in my last post? Yup, Aidenne is now just a month away from being FIVE and starting kindergarten in just two weeks. WHAT?? And our baby Joscelyn is now three and will be in the PreK program at the same school. Woohoo - Mommy free time! What will I do with it? Oh yeah...homework! I am still studying interior design, but have transferred from The Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division to The Art Institute of San Antonio. I think going on campus will benefit me greatly in this field and allow me to network like crazy. I do not start on campus until October 4th, so I do have a month of pure vacation and lots of selfish ME time. I plan to take on sewing projects (yes, I have learned to SEW in the last 2 years!), update my blog (don't hold your breath), and generally be as lazy as possible.

Speaking of school, I am sad to say that my GPA has dropped to a - GASP! - 3.91. My dream of a perfect 4.0 did not last all that long, but I think it is still higher than Cliff's final GPA. But this isn't a competition. ("Certainly not a close one!")

We successfully sold the house in Denton after spending a long long looooooong 8 months apart. A lot of blood, sweat, tears and repair work, mixed with the tiniest dash of sleep made that sale happen! So we finally all live under one roof again, and it has been smooth-sailing ever since (ish).

The girls continue to amaze us with how stinkin' smart they are every day! Aidenne can read and we have her amazing PreK teacher to thank for that - all future teachers have a LOT to live up to! And she better still be there next fall when Joss will be in her heard me, Ms. Stacie!! Aidenne has also shown her athletic ability in gymnastics, which we hope to get her in again soon, basketball (a swift ball to the head made this sport obsolete in her mind), and now tennis, which she is absolutely in love with and looks like a tiny little pro while doing! She is still very independent and cannot wait to start school again.

Joscelyn is the ham of the family! I swear I look ten years older because of the laugh lines that girl gives me. My favorite Joss-ism from today was: "My macaroni and cheese is yummy with added ranch." She has learned all her letters and their sounds, and has gotten amazingly good at coloring inside the lines. Her hair is still...ummm...(OK - brief Jossie hair update: Since I last posted she grew a mullet and I could not cut it off for the longest time since I just wanted her to have SOMETHING. But it is now gone and she has had 2 whole haircuts in her entire life!) She recently was mistaken for a boy in a restaurant - our waiter said something like, "Here you go, little buddy." And she replied, "Hey, I'm not a buddy!" That's my Jossie! She doesn't take crap from anyone. She got that from her Auntie Kristin. Both of them.

Cliff is awesome as usual. He gives 100% at work and 100% at home, making sure we are all taken care of and totally happy. He still works out daily like a crazy person and is still addicted to Dr. Pepper and Hawaiian Punch. He has even cleaned the bathroom twice this year, so I consider myself the luckiest wife on the planet! When it comes to the girls he has endless energy - he can take them to two different parks AND Sea World in one day and still have the energy to make them dinner and put them to bed (meanwhile, I am crashed out on the couch!) He truly enjoys spending time with them and that is something I will never take for granted!

OK, I know I have not caught you up on a full two years, so I will update soon with the things I have forgotten. Soon, as in, less than two years from now.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Despres Family Who?

UGH! I really wish I was one of those people who kept up with their blog. Why do I even have a blogspot??
Anyway, since I blogged last, LOTS has happened. The girls and I moved back to Denton to clean up the rental property and get it ready for the market. It is really hard being away from Cliff all week! The girls miss him, and he misses them more than he can stand!
I went back to work for the same attorney I was working for before we moved, and I got the girls into the AWESOME school that is right behind my office. They are both doing really well there and learning so much!
It is nice to be back here with all our friends, and the house is coming along. Cliff is in the process of fixing the fence in the backyard (which is ginormous, by the way) which was pummeled by dogs (we won't mention whose).
I am still in school (surprise, surprise!!) and I am very proud to say I have a 4.0 so far. I have always been so lazy when it came to college, so I am proud that even with all the obstacles I have right now, I am keeping up and staying motivated! I am soooo loving my drafting class right now. I have an obsession with floor plans, and being able to draft them is just the awesomest thing.

The girls are so super cute every day. Aidenne has the biggest imagination, and is constantly talking. I love hearing about her day, she remembers a lot of it, and loves to tell what happened! Jossie is talking so much now. She says "Mommy" instead of "Mama" which I soooo LOVE! Some of her other words are "uh-oooooh" (one of our favorites!) Oh yeah, you have to imagine these words said in a cute little raspy baby voice (she sounds as if she was a smoker in a previous life!) She also says, "no", "puppy", "more", "hot", and she thinks that all dogs are named Pebbles - Aunt Morgan has a puppy named Pebbles, so anytime Joss sees a dog, she says "Pebble." She also started sleeping in her "big-girl" bed last weekend, and did really well with that!
Aidenne has started gymnastics classes at the Little Gym. She loves it so much, and almost every day she asks to go to "mynastics." We are actually having her 3rd birthday party there in 2 weeks. (WHAT? We have a THREE YEAR-OLD???) I am still going to try to make the cake since I have made her cake every year, and I have a few ideas - I might be going 3D this year!

I am off to bed now, since even though I did no homework, I still stayed up way too late eating oreos and watching Knocked Up again since it comes on HBO every day. Don't you just LOVE these kinds of nights?

Posted pics:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Off to Florida

The girls and I left for Florida yesterday morning. I was very nervous about flying by myself with 2 toddlers, but it turned out much better than expected! Aidenne LOVED the airplane...she sat by the window and decided to report on everything: "I see the ground! I see the cars! We are in the clouds!" And when we hit turbulence she would scream "Whheeeeee!!!" The whole time. Luckily, Joss had her own seat as well, since even on an almost full flight, NO ONE was crazy enough to sit by the lone Mommy and 2 small (but very loud) children. Jossie did not enjoy the plane ride as much...she was scared into silence during take-off and landing, so that was nice, but the rest of the time she was up and down in her seat, crawling all over me, kicking Aidenne, not wanting to just sit and watch the DVD player. But it all went by very quickly!
We got to the airport where my mom was waiting for us. Aidenne said "Hey, Gran, we are coming to see you today!" HAHAHAHAHA!! And she has been the main source of entertainment since. We had to wait an hour and a half for our luggage to come out on the belt. UGH. But the girls were glad to be able to get up and walk around, so they were really good during that time, too.
So we just kind of hung out when we got back to the house, and this morning we decided to go to Pine Island which is a little beach with a playground and some shops. It was really fun, it was the first time at the beach for both girls. Joss jumped right into the sand and the ocean, and Aidenne had to be coaxed against her will to come with us near the water! We finally convinced her that she could make a better sand castle with the wet sand, so she came with us. Aidenne did not want to get all sandy, so she didn't really seem to be impressed by the beach. Joss loved it, she put her toes in the sand and just wiggled them around and she walked all over, even into the ocean with Pops!
We saw lots of stingrays and even a baby shark swimming close by. It was awesome! Aidenne didn't seem too concerned that there was a shark in the water...she didn't want to go in, so I tried to coax her in saying "come see the shark!" But she didn't care! I guess that's ok since mommies should usually keep their kids out of shark-infested water!
So now we are back at the house and just hanging out. Tomorrow we will just chill, too, and maybe have relatives over to see the gloriousness that is my children.
I posted more pics:
June 2008:
and Florida trip:

Monday, May 26, 2008

Where are all the dinosaurs?

We had the best Saturday EVER this weekend. We started by going to the zoo in the morning. Aidenne was so excited over all of the animals, especially the baby monkeys. She would say "oh, look, they're so cute!" and "look, the mommy is kissing the baby's feet!" It is so awesome to see the world through a toddler's eyes. She also kept asking to see the dinosaurs - I didn't want to tell her there weren't any there! Joss also loved the monkeys, she would point and grunt in her usual raspy voice! Joss also liked to run away from us, and there were so many people at the zoo, she was usually running into someone's legs. Luckily she is super cute, so they didn't mind too much!
It was soooooo hot though, and I kept telling Cliff that the zoo in Colorado probably isn't that hot! I am hoping that when we visit my sister later this year, he will fall in love with Colorado just like me!
Then we came home and stayed inside for a while and just chilled while Joss took her nap. When she woke up, we went out to dinner. We came home and swam in the pool until bedtime. Aidenne can now swim with just the floaties on her arms, which is the cutest thing ever. She is so proud of herself when she is swimming on her own, and she just kicks her legs and bobs around. We can never get her out of the pool, she wants to swim constantly now. After we get back from Florida next month we are going to start swim lessons for her and Joss. Joss also likes to be in the water, but she doesn't like to just chill in a float - you have to hold her, and she likes to bounce up and down, in and out of the water. She gets the biggest smile on her face!
I am keeping up with my school work, just barely. We are drawing people for the next couple weeks in my drawing class, and I drew Cliff's profile for my first didn't turn out too badly, but it really doesn't look like Cliff! I think I am going to have a hard time finding people who will want to sit for me for an hour or so while I draw them.
By the way, I am not using flickr anymore to post pictures, I only post on facebook now since it is MUCH easier. Here are the links to a few recent albums:

Michaela's pictures of the girls:

Colorado pics:

May 2008:

April 2008:

Joscelyn's 1st birthday:

Also, I have started to "middle name" Aidenne when she is doing something wrong. I see her about to fling a yo-yo at Jossie, and I say "Aidenne Camille Despres" in my best mean-mommy tone. The other day when we were playing in the back yard, Aidenne opened the door and said "Mommy, come inside!" I don't know what I was doing (probably trying to stop Joss from falling in the pool), but I didn't answer her right away, so she said "Mommy Camille Despres!" It was hilarious. Its funny that she probably has no clue that that is her full name, she just thinks it is what you say when you really want to get someone's attention.
Aidenne has also been going to the potty a few times a day this week. She doesn't even want to use her potty seat, she always just holds herself upon the big potty, which is nice for me since I don't have to clean up 2 potties. Woohoo, we are about to cut our diaper and wipes bill in half!!
Joss is getting really good at sign language. She says "more" all the time, and she is getting better at "eat." We just teach her one at a time, so hopefully she will really understand what they mean. She goes around saying "mama" all the time, which I absolutely LOVE. She loves to play with the big basketball in the back yard, and when she sees it, she yells "BALL!" Aidenne loves to blow bubbles, and Joss yells "BUBBA" when she sees them. She is too cute, she has the raspiest little voice, like she has been smoking for years.
Anyway, I think I just heard Aidenne, she is going to want breakfast ASAP!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Colorado, the best state in all the USA

Picture this:
I am sitting in my living room alone, finishing a drawing of a teapot and utensil jar. It is about 10:30 p.m. Cliff has taken the girls to his mom's for the weekend so I can get a break. Since it is only 9:30 p.m. in Colorado, I decide to take a break from my masterpiece and call my sis. We talk for a while and realize that we are both going to be alone for the weekend since her husband is going out of town for a week. This spirals into us searching for plane tickets for me to come visit her for the weekend. I call Cliff to see how he is and I casually mention that I was thinking of visiting my sis, to which he did not seem too excited (maybe just because he was really tired). So when on the phone with him, I decide I shouldn't be so hasty and I should just stay home.
I call my sis back who in the mean time had found a flight leaving at 6:35 a.m. Saturday. I immediately tell her to book it, and say "I will see you in 7 hours!!"
I finished my drawing and got online to turn it in. I did a load of laundry so I would have some clothes to wear. I packed all my stuff and my laptop and quadruple checked that I had the little thingy that lets me connect to the Internet wherever I am. I finally fell asleep at 2 a.m. and set my alarm for 3:15 a.m. so that I could leave for the airport by 3:45. Are you thinking I am crazy yet??
So the one hour of sleep caught up with me on the plane, but I couldn't sleep because of the loud BEEP of the seatbelt sign on the plane kept going off.
I get to Colorado and get a burst of energy since I am finally there and can see my sister. We wait at the wrong baggage claim like dummies. No, I did not fly in from San Antonio, I flew in from Austin, and we are standing at the baggage claim for the San Antonio flight forever, all the while making fun of all the stupid people from my flight who I can see clearly waiting at the wrong baggage claim. I only realize that we are actually the ones waiting at the wrong baggage claim after I go to the office to angrily tell them they lost my luggage. Lets just blame this on only getting that one hour of sleep (and maybe the smelly guy I had to sit next to on the plane).
OKAY, so I was actually in Colorado and my sis and I were really excited to see each other. She had a lot of things to show me, but first stop was Chickfila so I could get a sausage biscuit (yessssssssssss). I also decided to call Cliff again and let him know I was in Colorado since by the time we bought the ticket the night before, he had already gone to bed. I thought it would be nice to let him know I had left the state!
We had an awesome weekend. I got to see all the beautiful mountains of Colorado, which dont even look real, by the way. They look far too gorgeous to be real.
She took me to the hippie downtown Boulder and the yuppy (sp?) downtown Denver. Both were awesome.
We ate out at every meal, having some wontons with questionably-shaped pork inside and some weird (aka gross) Mexican meat on top of giant tortilla chips.
We shopped at little boutiques and I bought 2 dresses, mostly because my sis is the WORST to shop with. She makes you buy everything you see!
It was an awesome weekend, and even though I only stayed Saturday through Tuesday, it seemed longer than that! It was awesome to see my sister, it was awesome to be in Colorado for the first time, and it was especially awesome that neither of us had a hubby or children with us!! As much as we love them, it is so nice to have some alone sister time.
So, hopefully within the next 2 years we will be able to move there too, because I miss my sister WAAAAYYYYY too much!