Monday, August 9, 2010

It's Been A While...

I love that my last post was almost two years ago, and I was talking about how I never update my blog. My BESTIE started a blog recently, so it apparently got me in the mood! (I look forward to the comments of your hatred of the word "bestie.")

So remember that three-year-old I spoke of in my last post? Yup, Aidenne is now just a month away from being FIVE and starting kindergarten in just two weeks. WHAT?? And our baby Joscelyn is now three and will be in the PreK program at the same school. Woohoo - Mommy free time! What will I do with it? Oh yeah...homework! I am still studying interior design, but have transferred from The Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online Division to The Art Institute of San Antonio. I think going on campus will benefit me greatly in this field and allow me to network like crazy. I do not start on campus until October 4th, so I do have a month of pure vacation and lots of selfish ME time. I plan to take on sewing projects (yes, I have learned to SEW in the last 2 years!), update my blog (don't hold your breath), and generally be as lazy as possible.

Speaking of school, I am sad to say that my GPA has dropped to a - GASP! - 3.91. My dream of a perfect 4.0 did not last all that long, but I think it is still higher than Cliff's final GPA. But this isn't a competition. ("Certainly not a close one!")

We successfully sold the house in Denton after spending a long long looooooong 8 months apart. A lot of blood, sweat, tears and repair work, mixed with the tiniest dash of sleep made that sale happen! So we finally all live under one roof again, and it has been smooth-sailing ever since (ish).

The girls continue to amaze us with how stinkin' smart they are every day! Aidenne can read and we have her amazing PreK teacher to thank for that - all future teachers have a LOT to live up to! And she better still be there next fall when Joss will be in her heard me, Ms. Stacie!! Aidenne has also shown her athletic ability in gymnastics, which we hope to get her in again soon, basketball (a swift ball to the head made this sport obsolete in her mind), and now tennis, which she is absolutely in love with and looks like a tiny little pro while doing! She is still very independent and cannot wait to start school again.

Joscelyn is the ham of the family! I swear I look ten years older because of the laugh lines that girl gives me. My favorite Joss-ism from today was: "My macaroni and cheese is yummy with added ranch." She has learned all her letters and their sounds, and has gotten amazingly good at coloring inside the lines. Her hair is still...ummm...(OK - brief Jossie hair update: Since I last posted she grew a mullet and I could not cut it off for the longest time since I just wanted her to have SOMETHING. But it is now gone and she has had 2 whole haircuts in her entire life!) She recently was mistaken for a boy in a restaurant - our waiter said something like, "Here you go, little buddy." And she replied, "Hey, I'm not a buddy!" That's my Jossie! She doesn't take crap from anyone. She got that from her Auntie Kristin. Both of them.

Cliff is awesome as usual. He gives 100% at work and 100% at home, making sure we are all taken care of and totally happy. He still works out daily like a crazy person and is still addicted to Dr. Pepper and Hawaiian Punch. He has even cleaned the bathroom twice this year, so I consider myself the luckiest wife on the planet! When it comes to the girls he has endless energy - he can take them to two different parks AND Sea World in one day and still have the energy to make them dinner and put them to bed (meanwhile, I am crashed out on the couch!) He truly enjoys spending time with them and that is something I will never take for granted!

OK, I know I have not caught you up on a full two years, so I will update soon with the things I have forgotten. Soon, as in, less than two years from now.


Michaela said...

Way to go on the update! And what you said about Cliff is so sweet. You two are blessed to have each other!

Michaela said...

Way to go on the update! And what you said about Cliff is so sweet. You two are blessed to have each other!

GranofGlenEcho said...

Hilarious, Daughter. This is the you that should make its way into your design profile although I don't yet know how.

BTW, this is the first time I've heard the term "bestie." It seems British somehow, so of course I instantly like it better than "BFF," but have to play with it for a while to get the feel.

veronicalaurie said...

QG: Do not start using the word bestie. It is the single most annoying word in the English language. Well, except for the word "Qi..."

GranofGlenEcho said...

I'll be happy to leave it by the side of the road, although I feel teased now.

Kristen Benavides said...

I hate bestie almost as much as I hate hubby! Your family is precious Veronica.

Michaela said...

Hahaha Qi is my favorite word! Or the plural version, Qis, for an extra point! Loreen, you crack me up!