Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Aidenne has apparently renamed herself. She calls herself Annie, and when we try to get her to say "Aidenne", she adamantly says "No, ANNIE!" Maybe she is already mad at the strange way we spelled her name...

Joscelyn is still quite a handful, but she is so sweet! She smiles at everyone who smiles at her, and she is getting very good at sitting up on her own. She even looks like she will be crawling soon, she gets up on her hands and knees and rocks.

Since we have moved closer to family members, Cliff and I have gotten to go out on a couple dates. It is so nice to get away from the children, especially when Grandpa always has them in bed by the time we get home!

I am new to this blog site, but check back soon for more pictures and updates on our amazing, genius girls!


Anonymous said...

hooray for blogs!!

Unknown said...

Cool!!!!!! I like your pic!!!

Lisa said...

Yay! I'm glad you're blogging. Aidenne looks so grown up!

mandy said...

so glad you are blogging!! now we can keep up with your growing family!

Gran of Glen Echo said...

Sweet - another place to read about and see pics of the two little loves of my life! Beautiful pics, D.